Just as I got the new complex up and running with 1 freighter on CAG duty and another another filling it up with energy cells, something bad happens. Now I make use of the life support I baught, making some money on transporting people. I also have more then enough time to complete some missions while waiting for the slow transport tro complete these runs. While at argon Prime for the second time, I’ve gathered enough money to buy 2 extra Discoverers to start training CAG pilots. This project ends up taking me at least an hour. What I decide to do is to put up one farm in queen’s space, then send the transport back to Argon prime and buy the construction kits. I’m not allowed to buy the complex construction kit there. When the transport arrives at Kingdom’s end shipard, I realize I forgot to check my faction with the Borons. I only have 1.3 million at the moment and don’t wnat to spend it all, so what I decide to do, is buying the 3 farms now, and hope to have enough money to buy the construction kits to connect them when the supply mammoth arrives at Kingdom’s end., Said and done. The closest place to buy the farms is Argon prime, so I want to buy at least 3 of them. There are some stations in the surrounding secotrs demanding wheat and the supply of energy cells is also good.

After looking around for a bit, I decide to build it in Queen’s space. I think some more farms wouldn’t hurt, even though the market clos eto Home of light is probably saturated. That means you could fire a string of slow dumbfire missile that could bring you some money if sold, but do no damage against anything faster than a capital ship.Once I came “home” from the adventure in the war sectors, My traders had made enough money for me to consider a second factory complex. When the loaded missiles depletes, it will pick the next missile in line by default (I think the queue is more damage missiles but could be wrong). You may want to consider 20-50 Mosquitoes for MDM, Maybe some Dragons, but plenty of Thunderbolts, Tempests, or Typhoons.Īutofire doesn't switch missiles based on the target. So your missile loadout is most likely ineffective. And a Silkworm spam can hurt an M3, but I've never seen one killed by it before locals come in and steal my kill. A Dragon spam can kill an M4, but M3s will shake it off. Mosquitoes and Wasps are going to do next to no damage, although the Wasps have a chance to one-shot M5s. Silkworm at best and that takes 1000 of the 1250 space meaning you have nothing else on board to speak of. With 500 missile in your Centaur, you won't have any big damage missiles. I set my AI ships to fire between 60% and 80%.

Why don't my auto pilot fire missiles in combat?Ģ0% is pretty low if you want the missiles to fire periodically. I am in an Argon Centaur M6 and I have 500 Mis soles loaded in and set the missile fire probability to 20%.