Multi-player support allows multiple people to play against each other on a symmetrical map with the entire tech tree for their selected race open to them to research and use.īlizzard is known for high standards when it comes to their game design and Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is no different. Each mission will usually have an additional unit open to use. Heroes persist from mission to mission and the player will have a chance to level them up, gathering unique items and pick different skills.

Undead, Human, Orc and Night Elves all have unique heroes, buildings and units. The campaign follows a set string of events and throughout the game you will play as one of the four playable races. A melee knight, for example, is ineffective against a flying gnome helicopter. Different buildings and units have different abilities and army compositions can be changed to defend against different threats. Game play follows the standard RTS formula of gathering resources to build buildings to unlock the ability to build either better buildings, different units or upgrades. Blizzard upholds their high standard in cut scenes, production value and story telling. The story is told through cut scenes, in mission dialogue and is supplemented by content in the manual.

Objectives are diverse and vary from defending a check point against waves of enemies, transporting units safely from one location to another or wiping the opponent off the map. Missions are comprised of resource gathering, base building and army building with the intent of meeting mission objectives. Players take on the role of a hero that is able to level up from mission to mission. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is the third installment in the Warcraft universe and holds true to Blizzard's tried and true formula while still introducing new elements. Warcraft is an award winning hero based Real Time Strategy game.