This includes weapons, armor, and to a lesser degree, accessories. It's essential that your characters have the best equipment available on them at all times. We mentioned it earlier in basics, but it bears repeating. As a result, you'll want to plan to play through at least twice (and even more, if you want to see all of the origin stories, relationship arcs, and acquire all of the trophies or achievements). Sure, you can save constantly, reset your game, and see how things might have differed had you made another choice or gone down another route, but that will certainly become a tedious act before too long. It's the only way to truly see everything the game has to offer, and will allow you to make different choices at different times, with unique parties and under unique circumstances.

Perhaps not six times (for all six origin stories), but you may want to play through it two or three times. Many gamers might not have the patience for this, but Dragon Age: Origins is absolutely, positively meant to be experienced multiple times. This is the golden rule of RPGs, and has been since the 1980s. Nothing is worse than playing for two hours, watching your party meet its untimely demise, and have to do it all over again. The game auto-saves before boss fights or important choices, but you'll want to manually save your game every ten or fifteen minutes, or perhaps even more often, depending on what you're doing.

Enemies of varying strength are often intermixed with one another at any given location, and the unexpected should be expected.

Dragon Age: Origins is an inconsistent game in terms of difficulty. The first, most important, and perhaps most obvious tip we're going to give you here is to save, and save often.